High School
School Costs for High Schools
St Clement Boarding School
Fees and uniform: $149.52
(Termly) Trimester Supplies: $40.78
Yearly supplies: $29.66
Transport to school only: $9.05
Total: $228.72
Fordina Pandeli Boarding School
Fees and uniform: $235.48
(Termly) Trimester Supplies: $40.73
Yearly supplies: $29.66
Transport to school only: $9.05
Total: $314.98
Musonda Tech Boarding School
Fees and uniform: $184.06
(Termly) Trimester Supplies: $40.75
Yearly supplies: $29.66
Transport to school only: $11.77
Total: $266.41
2nd Group of Kids to High School
Back: Moriah, Beauty
Front: John, Elias, Ernest, Henry
To go to boarding school in Zambia, a child has to pass a very difficult 7th grade test. If they are able to pass, then the boarding schools will choose which child they will accept into their school. All 7 of these children have passed and have been accepted into very good schools.
If you would like to contribute to their education, go to this page and designate your donation for education, or a child. Thank you.
Our Kids and Their Ideas for the Future
Help them reach their dreams by giving to the education fund
When I grow up I will tell others about Jesus and tell them to love one another and to love your neighbor and to be kind. I will preach the gospel and be a missionary.
Beauty—10 years old
I am good at running and Science and Bible Reading. When I grow up God wants me to be a baker. I am good at playing baseball and kickball.
Chola—12 years old
What makes me special? I am different from everybody else. I am good at games, and coloring, and drawing pictures, painting and singing. God knows that I am special.
Elias—13 years old
What makes me special? I can draw pictures and sing and do my math book. And I can dance.
Queenie—11 years old
What makes me special? I like to build things and I like to help people. And I do things that please God and please man.
Johnny—11 years old
[When I grow up] I will be singing and teaching how to crochet. And I can make boxes for dolls.
Sandra—9 years old
God wants me to have a baby in my life.
Maggie—6 years old
I want to be a missionary. I want to speak God’s Word. And to preach to people about God.
Jennifer—9 years old
I want to be a policeman.
Peter—8 years old
When I grow up I want to be a police officer. And I want to serve God very very much and to forgive people—men, women, and kids. I love God and Jesus very much. I love the Holy Spirit.
Nathan—8 years old
When I grow up God may want me to be a leader to His people. I am a special child of God because He put His Holy Spirit in me that I may have His strength. I love Jesus and my Father who watch over me. I am happy he forgives me and my sins. When I grow up I would like to be a pastor.
Moriah—8 years old
When I grow up I will be a scientist and a missionary and a hero. I am good at patience.
Denny—8 years old
When I grow up I will be a teacher and tell others about Jesus. I love Zambia.
Janet—10 years old
I like myself. I want to be a missionary and become a dad. I want to read the Bible and learn about God and become closer to Him. I want to do everything I can do, and learn to be gentle.
Henry—10 years old
I think that I am good at drawing and I like drawing sometimes. When I don’t have anything to do I start drawing. I like drawing trees, mountains and the sun. One day I would like to be an artist. I think God made me special at drawing.
Theresa—11 years old
I like to help people do things. I like God and Jesus because they like me and you. I like to play, read, work and draw. When I grow up I will be a missionary.
Ernest—11 years old
The assignment was a writing project to tell what they thought they were good at and what God's plans might be for them. (2017)
Education Fund purpose statement:
The Terra Nova Children’s Home Education Fund has been established as means of providing for the higher costs of upper-level schooling as the children continue to mature. Many of the children will attend boarding schools for their secondary (8-12th grade U.S. equivalent) education, and continue on to universities or vocational schools.
The Education Fund will ensure that our children are afforded every opportunity available to them to advance their education.
Education Fund usage guidance:
The Education Fund will be used for expenses related to the children’s schooling, including but not limited to such expenditures as school tuition/fees, uniforms, school supplies and transportation to/from school.